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New Releases


New features to run your business and help you grow.

Modified on

July 18, 2024

July 2024

Auto-prompts to help you get the right work orders
Now when you decline work orders for certain trades and locations, you may receive a prompt on your provider homepage to update the service coverage information in your provider profile. This will help to ensure you are not missing out on important work opportunities or getting work orders you’re not able to accept. 
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Expand service with refrigerant tracking
New refrigerant tracking features, just released, make it easier for your customers to engage your services to manage and track refrigerant leaks more effectively.
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Contractor Scorecard 1.0 now retired.
Make sure you’re familiar with the new scorecard and how to use it to track your performance, better serve your customers, and win new business.  If you had version 1.0 bookmarked or have automated reports set up, you’ll need to bookmark and set up new reports in version 2.0.
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March 2024

Onboard faster with “Autofill” in Compliance Manager
Automatically populate sections of a new client profile with information from previous profiles.
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Get quicker approvals to your RFP responses
Now get email notification when a client makes a significant change to an RFP. Then simply clone your original proposal and make the needed edits — without starting from scratch.
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Reply promptly to customer notes in work orders
Now you can filter between user-created and system-created notes in work orders to find and respond promptly to comments and questions from your customers.
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October 2023

New benchmarking feature in your Scorecard 2.0
Starting October 26th, you and your customers have a clearer, more accurate picture of how you truly excel compared to your peers and your opportunities for growth.
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Create multiple new user accounts at once
Save time in creating new user accounts by uploading a template spreadsheet with multiple users, without the need for email invitations.
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Speed up COI approvals
When you upload a Certificate of Insurance (COI) to the client insurance documents page the information will be automatically detected using OCR technology.
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Allowances for out-of-range check-in
Your customers can now allow technicians to check in even when they’re outside the specified radius of the location — the check-in will be marked as “Non-compliant,” so you’ll need to review before invoicing your customer.
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Faster way to identify customer assets
Expand your services to customers to include more help with asset management. Get details

Streamline invoice approvals
Customers can now require a signature from a store or location manager before your technician checks out or changes the work order status to “Complete.”
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For providers with ServiceChannel integrations
A new Integration Services Resource Hub, accessible from your provider Home page. Look for new web hook improvements, API check location radius and a list of available APIs.
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July 2023

New Contractor Scorecard 2.0
In the all-new Contractor Scorecard you and your customers will have near real-time information at your fingertips on your scores and how you’re doing on the specific factors contributing to your scores. See how you’re doing overall, and for individual customers.
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Provider comparison in ServiceChannel Provider Search
Customers will be able to compare up to 5 providers, including their current and potential new providers, side by side. Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date.
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Updates to help you get paid faster
Customers will have new ways to upload pre-negotiated rates and markups and automate the validation of your invoices.
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Help your customers with asset management
Customers will be able to grant you permission to upload assets to the system and correct wrong asset information.
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March 2023

New List of Reasons for Rescheduling
A new list of specific reasons for rescheduling a work order makes it easier for you to let your customers know why you are rescheduling, saving time for everyone. 
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Automate Work Order Assignment by Technicians’ Shifts  
Get the right technicians assigned to the right work orders automatically based on trade, location, and now by the shifts your technicians’ work.  
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February 2023

Performance scores update
New scores for Price and Engagement and a new overall score highlight your great service. Now you can see all your scores right from your provider homepage.
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October 2022

Take charge from your new ServiceChannel homepage.
Get everything you need at your fingertips to run your business—right when you log in.
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Performance scores update
New scores for Price and Engagement and a new overall score highlight your great service. Now you can see all your scores right from your provider homepage.
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Respond to questions from potential new customers in a new online chat.
Customers who discover you in ServiceChannel provider search can text you questions to help make their decision. Now these questions also appear in a new online chat feature in your message center. You’ll see on your provider homepage that you have a new message.
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Fast, easy way to assign resolution and root cause codes
Entering the right codes at the close of a work order to identify the cause of the problem and how you solved it helps you and your customers spot patterns and predict and prevent problems before they happen. Now you can easily choose from a subset of codes that apply to a specific type of asset.
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