Did You Know That ‘Software is Eating the Facilities Management World (and That’s a Good Thing)?’

Managing the entire range of a multi-location company’s facilities is a trying task in the best of times. Organizations are facing a highly competitive environment in which to attract and retain customers. Add to this ever-demanding occupant and service requirements, increasing competitive pressures and always tightening-budgets, and it can seem like a never-ending task just to keep the lights on – literally and figuratively.
But the latest advances in technology, online marketplaces and data is changing everything. The world outside facilities management is rapidly evolving through digital transformation. Sometimes called “Uberfication” based on Uber’s broad-based business impact across the economy. But how is this “Uberfication” impacting facilities management?
The latest issue of IFMA’s FMJ magazine has an article you won’t want to miss. It highlights a number of important ways “FMs are seizing upon the new opportunities created by this revolution” and the benefits from “vast efficiencies and cost savings in their day-to-day operations.”
New Technology, Data Driving Facilities Performance
Specifically the FMJ article article covers key factors such as:
- Why Facility Managers are the Stewards of Brand Uptime
- How New Technologies Enable Improved FM Performance
- Why It’s Now the Era of the Data-driven FM Professional
We think you’ll find this story quite interesting and give you some things to think about.