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Facility Condition Assessment

A facility condition assessment (FCA) is crucial for facilities management. Discover how knowing the current health of your facility can benefit your business.

Jonathan Haney headhsot
Jonathan Haney

Senior Director, Marketplaces

Modified on

August 28, 2024

What is Facility Condition Assessment?

A facility condition assessment (FCA) or property condition assessment is a comprehensive evaluation process that examines the current condition of a building’s key components and systems. An FCA identifies areas that need improvement, informs maintenance strategies, resource allocation, and budgeting. The assessment helps facility managers make informed decisions regarding repairs, upgrades, and long-term asset management.

Key Elements of a Facility Condition Assessment

An FCA covers essential elements of building operations, including budgetary and operational concerns. A thorough property condition assessment typically entails the following steps:

1. Physical Inspection

Inspectors conduct an on-site property condition assessment of the building’s structure and key systems. The inspector creates a facility condition index, a snapshot of the building’s current state, and keeps an eye out for damage or wear that could result in safety issues and greater repair or replacement costs down the road.

2. Document Review

The FCA evaluators analyze existing building documents, such as blueprints, inspection reports, maintenance records, and warranties. Documentation can provide extensive information on a building’s current condition, often giving inspectors an idea of what areas might need extra attention. 

3. System Performance

A facility condition assessment includes evaluating systems as they operate, monitoring operation and comparing against available maintenance metrics. This gives evaluators the opportunity to assess the performance of building systems and offer recommendations on their report.

4. Life Cycle Analysis

The FCA evaluators estimate the anticipated costs that will go along with maintaining, repairing, and replacing building components over their expected useful life cycles.

5. Prioritization

Evaluators rank the urgency of critical building systems and components they’ve identified as needing attention. They rate the criticality of deficiencies based on their impact on facility operations and potential health and safety concerns.

6. Cost Estimation

A facility condition assessment report provides detailed cost estimates for addressing identified issues. The estimate provides vital data that can help prioritize resource allocation and inform capital planning.

Maintenance Planning

An FCA provides ample information on the physical condition of structural components and assets in the facility condition index to help facilities management develop a plan for scheduling preventive maintenance to reduce unplanned downtime events when the facility is in operation.

Budgeting and Capital Planning

A facility condition assessment collects data that can provide substantial detailed information useful for allocating resources. By understanding the urgency of each necessary improvement, organizational leadership can direct the right resources toward maintenance, repairs, and capital improvements.

Managing Risk

A facility condition assessment is a valuable compliance and risk management tool for companies. An FCA provides detailed accounts of health and safety concerns, as well as the likelihood of possible system failures.

Asset Valuation

An FCA helps determine the current value of assets. This information drives the investment potential of a facility, informing potential capital investments towards renovations and repairs that can improve the value of the property.


By conducting a comprehensive facility condition assessment, evaluators can pinpoint areas of concern in regards to the physical condition of the facility, complying with building codes, meeting industrial standards for electrical systems, energy efficiency, and adherence to government regulations. This building condition assessment allows facilities managers to prioritize repairs based on the data collected, ensuring critical assets receive immediate attention.

Benefits of Facility Condition Assessment in Facilities Management

The advantages an FCA provides can offer a significant return on the initial investment of time and money. These are some of the benefits an organization can experience when deciding to conduct an FCA on their facility:

Informed Decision Making

Assessing a facility’s condition provides data for implementing various strategies. The FCA report can inform decision makers on a number of important choices, from repairs and maintenance activities to planning budgets and capital expenditures.

Cost Savings

Evaluating current conditions enables building owners to address critical issues before conducting operations. Getting ahead of problems early helps prevent costly emergency repairs and unplanned downtime, which significantly reduce costs in the long run.

Long-Term Planning

An FCA helps estimate costs and evaluate the priority of needs. This information is valuable for assisting in the development of long-term investment and management strategies.

Operational Efficiency

By addressing issues laid out in a facility condition assessment report, organizations can get ahead of numerous potential issues. Proactively addressing deficiencies contributes to optimizing building performance and improved efficiency of electrical systems.


An FCA report can identify deficiencies that may also provide opportunities for energy-saving upgrades and other environmental improvements. This helps drive sustainability efforts that can save considerable money in the long run.

Challenges in Facility Condition Assessments

Facility condition assessments are a crucial part of restoring a building or getting a new facility up and running. While FCAs provide numerous benefits, they can also present some obstacles to be aware of.


Assessments require expertise and understanding of several factors, as well as the ability to assess value, replacement value, and estimate costs based on the final report. Many organizations call on experienced third-party providers to ensure knowledgeable professionals conduct the evaluations.


Undergoing a facility condition assessment can be time-consuming and expensive. In-house assessments may make crucial personnel unavailable for other tasks for extended periods while they dedicate their time to performing inspections and conducting data analysis for the FCA report.

Changing Conditions

Buildings and properties are dynamic in nature. Conditions may be different if there’s a lengthy span between conducting the assessment and addressing issues. Building and property condition assessments may need regular updates to remain accurate.

Strategies for Effective Facility Condition Assessments

While FCA comes with its share of roadblocks, facilities management leaders can clear many hurdles by employing these strategies: 

Engage Experts 

A thorough assessment requires expertise across a number of disciplines. By employing the expertise of architects, engineers, and specialized consultants, they can pool their knowledge to provide an accurate evaluation.

Leverage Technology

Utilize software and diagnostic apparatus to enhance the efficiency of the assessment process and ensure accuracy. A robust facility management software such as ServiceChannel offers a variety of tools that can assist during the facility condition assessment and long after, during facility operations.

Regular Updates

The condition of equipment and building systems tend to change over the course of operation regardless of the type of facility. While the need may vary between different industries, scheduling periodic FCAs on a regular basis helps keep data current and relevant.

Involve Stakeholders

Keep everyone with a vested interest in your organization informed of the FCA process. Seek their input and feedback. Involving stakeholders helps to ensure that all relevant aspects of the facility’s operations are considered.

Facility Condition Assessment Conclusion

The facility condition assessment is an essential piece of the facilities management toolbox, offering a clear picture of a building’s overall health. An FCA helps guide future preventive maintenance efforts and the placement of capital improvement resources by pinpointing areas of necessity. Understanding the current condition of a facility enables managers to proactively optimize their time and resources and helps to ensure the longevity and best performance of their building’s assets.

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