Case Study: Cole Haan

ServiceChannel Improves FM Operations at National Retail Stores through More Transparency and Improved Communications.
CLOSED-LOOP COMMUNICATIONS PROCESS between company and service providers drives better vendor performance and more efficient FM operations
INTUITIVE, EASY-TO-USE PLATFORM encourages wider use among store employees and service providers
REAL-TIME AND HISTORIC DATA enables fact-based vendor performance reviews
Quantifiable Results
“ServiceChannel is a great tool for capturing data for giving us better visibility into issues and best solutions across our stores. It has also enabled us to share this data easily with other departments, which they appreciate.“
Eric Korth
Facilities Manager, Cole Haan Retail Facilities Management
One of the most important goals for its FM operations was the ability to implement a closed-loop communications process between the company (FM and other internal users) and its network of service providers through the ServiceChannel platform. Specific goals included:
- Understanding where the company was spending and where it could save
- Tracking work performed against spending, not to exceed (NTE) and service level agreement (SLA) targets
- Organizing work orders by priority in order to save time and money
- Using real-time and historic data available in the platform to analyze vendor performance over an extended time period and on a regular basis for performance reviews
- Leveraging multimedia assets (e.g. photos) to enhance work order processing and tracking
The department conducts due diligence on a regular basis to ensure that its service providers and store employees use the Service Automation platform to its maximum potential. Key functionality for them includes:
- Work Order Manager to initiate, track and settle work orders as well as enhancing them with multimedia assets (photos) to help the FM and service providers determine urgency levels for an issue.
- Analytics Standard to generate data and reports that are now shared with district managers who are responsible for store operations. This data sharing has been implemented in recent years and has generated positive feedback from store executives. Reports are also provided to management showing what costs are and let them drill into whatever trades are most relevant.
- Planned Maintenance Manager for establishing a “set-it-and-forget-it” approach to routine work orders such as HVAC inspections, robust facilities cleaning, replacing water filters, etc.
- Contractor Scorecard as the key objective document in what is now a formal vendor performance management program that is both data-driven and fact- based for both the company and the service providers.
“It’s so easy to use ServiceChannel and so many people here use it, even without formal training. The system is easy enough that I could use it from the first time.”
Eric Korth
Facilities Manager, Cole Haan Retail Facilities Management
A key benefit of using ServiceChannel has been the fact that so many service providers that Cole Haan relies on are already familiar with the platform. The platform’s ease-of-use helps promote wider adoption among service providers and company employees, which has enabled Cole Haan to have retail staff focus exclusively on selling and achieve FM operations benefits such as:
- Improved visibility into issues and possible solutions at all retail stores in real-time. This helps the FM team sort issues by priorities so unnecessary ‘emergency’ repair costs are not incurred
- Improved communications between the stores and service providers, especially in terms of important updates on the status of open work orders
- Improved vendor performance with formal, data-driven reviews, enabling consolidation as required while rewarding high-performers with more business
Implementing ServiceChannel has driven cost savings and improved Cole Haan’s retail facilities management operations across a number of KPIs highlighted by:
- 48% reduction in facilities R&M spend per store (over two year period)
- 34% reduction in repair spend per store (over two year period)
- 19% reduction in average invoice amount (over a two-year period)
- 36% decrease in full-resolution time (in days) for open work orders