Nike’s Innovative Approach to Facilities Management Data Featured in PRSM’s new 2015 Trends Report

Hot off the press is the 2015 Trends Report from industry trade group PRSM (Professional Retail Store Maintenance) featuring a wide range of forecasts for various aspects of the Facilities Management Industry (don’t miss the Developing the Team of Tomorrow discussion on page 24). Also included in this report is an article highlighting Nike’s innovative approach to leveraging the wealth of repair and maintenance (R&M) data it captures on its contractor management platform.
In this article, you can read how the Nike Facilities Team takes its data seriously and how it got really smart about uncovering important ways to improve its operations and positively impact the business.
To get a handle on its facilities management program’s data, Nike went above and beyond the norm and hired an analyst to focus on its R&M data. “Our store count was growing, increasing the data we needed to analyze to make informed decisions,” said Walter Fuller, Nike’s Senior Facilities Manager. Before the analyst joined, “Nike was using about 50% of the ServiceChannel capabilities. Now that number is close to 100%,” according to Fuller.
PRSM TRENDS RPT 2015 from PRSM Association on Vimeo.
While initially doing much of the analysis manually, Nike is now migrating to ServiceChannel’s ProView tool to automate its business intelligence reporting and get more robust analytics faster.
Nike’s seeing lots of benefits and valuable insights from its data. According to Nike’s Territory Facility Manager, Shawn Browning, “The data…allows us to find the root causes of certain issues and address them quicker and better, and it allows us to think in a strategic, forward thinking mindset.”
As with any data analysis, the end goal should be to understand underlying issue causes and improve what you do. Nike just does that. “Instead of reacting to every repair, we are now able to be more proactive and find an issue before it becomes repetitive or before it causes a problem,” added Browning.
Business Intelligence Benefits
The global footwear, apparel and equipment brand should see even further benefits as it further integrates the ProView business intelligence and data analytics solution, into its operations.
Regardless of the extent of your facilities management program and your data analytical capabilities, being smart about your contractor cost and performance data is increasingly essential to meet internal departmental demands, as well as to help fend off outsourcing considerations by management. Today, smart facilities departments, like Nike, that want to provide value to their companies are using technological tools to help them capture their data and understand the metrics that are crucial to their business. “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” So what are you waiting for? Just do it!