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group of various older adults exercising on gym equipment overlooking an array of buildings in downtown
servicechannel for Spa & Fitness

Delight guests with top-notch club facilities

Treat your customers to wellness environments that inspire rejuvenation and transformation, with facilities management software and services.

Elevating the Experience

Our spa and fitness customers improved performance across their locations, seeing greater productivity at a lower operating cost.

corepower yoga studio interior filled with men and women in warrior poses

We’re using facilities data to positively impact design and construction decisions. This saves the company a lot of money by being smarter and more efficient in how we’re adding new studios.

Brian Peoples
Director of Facilities, Core Power Yoga

electrician conducting maintenance on open panel

Find the Best Providers for Spa & Fitness Asset Uptime

Use Service Provider Marketplace to source top providers with experience serving restaurant locations.

Trades include:
  • Refrigeration
  • HVAC
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Kitchen equipment
  • General repairs
  • Janitorial

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Let’s get started

Ready to run your locations with ease?

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