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Scheduled Maintenance Scope of Work for SC Managed

In Scope

  • Establish an agreed upon scope of work for scheduled maintenance services
  • Recommend a scope of work as needed
  • Utilize an existing customer-supplied scope of work, as needed
  • Establish a target list of customer locations to include in the request for proposal (“RFP”)
  • Compile a target list of providers to receive the RFP, which may include customer-supplied providers and providers operating off platform
  • Design, test and obtain customer approval to distribute the RFP
  • Release and management of the RFP, including provider inquiries and training sessions, if needed
  • Analyze RFP results to recommend providers
  • Present award scenario for customer approval
  • Communicate awards and declines to chosen providers
  • Develop and loading of provider coverage assignments
  • Issue initial scheduled maintenance dispatches

Out of Scope

  • Ongoing management of the scheduled maintenance program, including changes to schedules, frequencies, NTEs, and additional work found on visits 
  • Participant performance reviews and coaching after dispatch
  • Site visits or other location engagements to collect location-specific variables (i.e., floor type, # RTUs, landscape-able areas, etc.)
  • Scrubbing of customers’ nonstandard or decentralized asset data
  • Return-on-investment analysis